When I was in Lhasa for the first time about eight years ago, my friend Aaron found this beat up cassette on the ground. After acquiring a crappy portable player we listened to it and found that it contained the most ridiculous techno ever. The title is 深夜2:30的土高 (shenye 2:30 de tugao) - "Late At Night 2:30 Disco." Classic.
When I moved back to Lhasa after college I would sometimes go out to dance clubs there (at that time it was either Babi-La or Tang Hui depending on which was open), and believe me this is pretty representative of what they played. At first I hated it, but after a while its bizarre charm grew on me.
Anyway, I had planned to make an mp3 of the tape for a long time and since it is a miserable and rainy spring break here in Providence, today felt like the day. So after eight years, here it is in all its glory, Late At Night 2:30 Disco:
There is some clicking at the start of the tracks, but what do you want from an eight year-old cassette that was found in the street. For my money, the best part is at about thirteen minutes into Side A which features a segue from Aqua Smile.dk to Bon Jovi to Bonnie Tyler. Magnificent!